After 24 hours payment confirmed we’ll start posting and send you daily posting URL via email also give you ad tracking and counting daily spreadsheet.

Cheap Craigslist Posting Service
Cheap craigslist posting service we provide 100% live ads link. if you want to explore your business, increase your business sale, we are here to give you the best service within minimum time. Spend a little to get more…
Small Business Plan
Our small Business plan help to grow your small business in a small budget. You can use it as a test package

Sample Package
$250Maximum 1-month
100 live ads total
5 to 10 ads per day
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple & Single cites
As per your choice
No paid ads
Starter Package
$450Maximum 1-month
200 live ads total
10 to 20 ads per day
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple & Single cites
As per your choice
No paid ads
Tester Package
$650Maximum 1-month
300 live ads total
10 to 30 ads per day
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple & Single cites
As per your choice
No paid ads
Single City Plan
Here are the all single city plan

$480Monthly package
Daily Post 10
Monthly 240 post
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple or Single cites
As per your choice
(Maximum 20 cites)
$912Monthly package
Daily Post 20
Monthly 480 post
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple or Single cites
As per your choice
(Maximum 40 cites)
$1296Monthly package
Daily Post 30
Monthly 720 post
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple or Single cites
As per your choice
(Maximum 60 Cites)
Multiple Cities Plan
Here are the multiple cities plan

$1680Monthly package
Daily Post 40
Monthly 960 post
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple or Single cites
As per your choice
(Maximum 100 Cites)
$2040Monthly package
Daily Post 50
Monthly 1200 post
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple or Single cites
As per your choice
Unlimited Cites
$3840Monthly package
Daily Post 100
Monthly 2400 post
6 days in a week
Anywhere in the USA
Multiple or Single cites
As per your choice
Unlimited Cites
Why Choose Our Posting Service?
Pay Per Live ads Only
Experienced Ad Poster
No Contract
No Set Up Fees
Daily Reporting
Image & Content optimize
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know my ad posted?
Do you charge for Flagged ads?
Mostly, We don’t charge for Flagged ads but if your competitor flagged them Down that is not our control.
What do I need to get started?
To get started just go to our website price and package page and select the category where do you want to post your ad. Our pricing is category based. then Garb your preferable category and sign up and pay online. Once paid, Just send your ad content via email. or Dropbox or drive.
How long will it take to start my my ads campaign?
Once you signup our website and Submit Requirement information we can start posting within 72 hours. To fulfill your daily requirement it can take 7 days.
Do I need to provide my own Craigslist account?
No, You don’t need to provide us anything without ads content.
What payment methods does you accepting?
You can pay using all major credit and debit card Paypal or Bitcoin, Apple pay and Google Pay online. If you want to use our service Recurring then Only you can use the Credit card or Paypal.
How many ads variation do I need?
We need 1 ads to 10 ads variations. To spinning that variation we can generate unlimited number ads.
Can I purchase a package with Recurring?
Yes, you can purchase. That process is manual. Contact our customer support for a recurring payment processing.